Category: Trees

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Strong winds can shred plants, break branches, and dry them out. Here are three key to-do’s to help your landscape recover after a wind event in Colorado…

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Maintaining your defensible space might just be the difference maker that determines what happens to your home in the event of a wildfire.

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If not already scheduled, Fall, Spring and Summer are all excellent times to give your landscape a healthy boost with our liquid compost soil drench or foliar application.

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With a holistic approach to property care that supports the health of plants, soil, and the surrounding ecosystem, our organic approach to plant and lawn care offers enormous benefits for both for your plants and your surrounding environment.

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As temperatures begin to drop and autumn arrives in Colorado, there are a variety of tasks homeowner’s need to complete to protect their landscape.

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Bermuda shorts on a warm blue-sky Saturday in Boulder, Colorado; a perfectly chilled Arnold Palmer by my side; my razor sharp pruners freshly purchased from a green vested man at Mcguckins.