We offer soil and habitat friendly solutions that help keep your plants safe from deer and rabbits and help keep you and your family safe from mosquitos. One of our plant health experts can help determine which solution is best for your space and objectives.

Deer & Rabbit Repellent
Deer and rabbits can have a big impact on landscapes. Deer rub on trees and chew and rip leaves and young branches off. Rabbits eat plants down, and their concentrated waste products damage soil biology. Fortunately these animals are repelled by smell, taste and fear. We can apply a product in your space on monthly intervals that will keep them away. It’s biodegradable, safe for plants and pets and smells more like mint than deer repellent.
Mosquito Repellent
While mosquitoes aren’t a major problem in our region, they can be a nuisance during wet seasons, near new construction or wet areas like ditches or ponds. We can regularly apply a non-toxic repellent made with 6 essential oils and free of DEET, pyrethrin and permethrin. This product is safe for children, pets, pollinators and plants.
To schedule a consultation or request services please call 303-245-9166, send an email to information@nativeedgelandscapes.com or Get In Touch through our website. One of our Customer Care Representatives will be happy to help.