July 2024 | Native Edge Landscapes
Yes, it’s a big word, but don’t be intimidated. Applying an organic antitranspirant to plant foliage aids the plant helping it retain water and plant vigor during times when their water supply may be scarce, most likely due to extreme weather conditions such as the periods of extremely hot and dry days we often experience in July and August.

Signs and Symptoms That Your Plants Are Stressed from Heat or Dry Conditions
When trees, shrubs, or flowers are stressed during the hottest months its typically due to two interrelated factors, the first being the onset of severe heat, and the second the inability of the plant to receive, distribute, and maintain enough moisture in and throughout the plant’s cell structure. During such conditions, plants and trees may develop dry, brown leaf margins, or in the case of evergreens the needle ends turn a light tan or pinkish color. Other common signs include the dropping of leaves or wilted leaves. These are signs that your plants are stressed! While sometimes it can be too late when you see such signs, you should act quickly by supplying additional water to the roots and applying an antitranspirant to the foliage as soon as possible. Or better yet, apply it as before you see the signs as a preventative measure!

Antitranspirants Enhance Drought Resistance
During periods of drought or water restrictions, plants treated with antitranspirants can maintain hydration levels more effectively. This resistance helps plants survive and thrive even when water availability is limited, making them more resilient in Colorado’s arid environment.
Antitranspirants Help Mitigate Heat Stress
Colorado’s high elevation can lead to intense sunlight and heat, especially in the summer. Antitranspirants help protect plants from heat stress by reducing the amount of water lost through their leaves. This protection helps maintain hydration and prevents wilting and other heat-related issues.
Antitranspirants Help Conserve Water
In Colorado, water can be a precious resource due to frequent drought conditions and low humidity. Antitranspirants help conserve water by forming a protective barrier on the leaves, reducing the amount of moisture lost through transpiration. This conservation is crucial for maintaining plant health during dry periods.

How to Use Antitranspirants
- Application Timing: Apply antitranspirants during the cooler parts of the day to avoid rapid evaporation. For drought protection, apply before the onset of severe drought conditions.
- Coverage: Ensure thorough coverage of all leaves and needles for the best protection. Use a sprayer for even application.
- Reapplication: Depending on the product and environmental conditions, reapplication may be necessary every few weeks or after heavy rainfall.
- Product Selection: Choose a reputable antitranspirant product and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.
By applying antitranspirants, we can significantly enhance the resilience and health of your plants, helping to ensure that your landscape remains vibrant and healthy through those hot “dog days of summer”.
Get In Touch
To schedule a consultation or request services please call 303-245-9166, send an email to information@d8f.2e1.myftpupload.com or Get In Touch through our website. One of our Customer Care Representatives will be happy to help.