Our program places the health of the system as the first and only goal. By improving plant health and regaining soil microbial diversity and function, the system regains optimal efficiency and health. This is done with targeted applications created with biology in mind. Our organic lawn care process incorporates low nutrient organic fertilizers, aerations, compost topdressing, overseeding, compost tea applications and organic herbicides (if needed).
Does it really work?
Yes! How quickly you see results will depend on a few factors and the condition of your lawn when you begin transitioning to organic. Factors include weed density, thickness of turf and intensity of previous herbicide and synthetic fertilizer applications that may have impacted soil health. Regardless of where you start, you can achieve great results providing a safe and healthy lawn for your family.

Did you know?
- Plants get the majority of their nutrition from the microbes around them, both above and below ground.
- In systems that are fed heavy doses of soluble nutrients (the NPK of fertilizers), plants don’t need to make beneficial associations with microbes.
- Microbes also play an important role in plant defense by working against pests and disease. They improve abiotic stress resistance and are able to access (and share) water that plant roots can’t reach.
- Soluble salts in various fertilizer and pesticide applications lock up water in the soil, making it unavailable to plants or microbes.
Transitioning from Synthetic to Biologic
Switching abruptly from a heavy synthetic regimen to a biologic one may pose a shock to your lawn’s system. A few extra applications may be necessary up front to realign your system. It’s important to bolster the population of soil microbes so they are able to reclaim their vital roles in your lawn’s health.
To schedule a consultation or request services please call 303-245-9166, send an email to information@nativeedgelandscapes.com or Get In Touch through our website. One of our Customer Care Representatives will be happy to help.