Peak Property Care Plan

Replace chore time with play time and let your landscape thrive

From weekly lawn and bed maintenance to organic fertilization, fire mitigation and smart irrigation management, our Peak Property Care Plans are designed to keep your landscape thriving throughout the year

Enjoy the confidence and assurance that comes with knowing your landscape is protected, growing and thriving.

Our Weekly Property Care program includes all the basic services necessary to keep you and your outdoors healthy, beautiful, and safe throughout the seasons. Plans start at $8,750 /year.

What’s included in a
Peak Property Care Plan?

Core Services

Performed weekly throughout the contracted season. Mowing, line trimming and edging of lawns; Weeding of beds; General cleanup and debris removal of lawn, beds, patios, decks, and walkways. May include minor pruning or deadheading of plant material.

Core services include irrigation system startup and backflow inspection, seasonal inspections and adjustments, repairs, and winterization.

Includes organic fertilization and weed control applications (pre and post emergent), organic compost tea application(s), compost topdress, seasonal aeration(s), and overseeding.  Ideal frequency and number of fertilization and weed control applications we recommend may vary depending upon soil health and the surrounding environment.

A minimum of two visits (Spring and Fall) that include removal of fallen leaves and other organic debris from lawns, beds and hardscape;  removal of weeds, and trimming back of perennials, shrubs and grasses.

At least 2 winter service visits are included in the plan. The visits are primarily focused on dormant pruning and removal of remnant and winter annual weeds, litter and debris.

Every Peak Property Care Plan comes with a dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable account manager who will be accessible and responsive to any requests or concerns you may have.

Make a quick visit to your customer portal to view account information, pay your bill, or submit or make a service request.

Additional Popular Services

Activation and shutdown, routine inspections, cleaning and chemical applications to help keep recirculating waterfalls and ponds functional, healthy and beautiful.

Weekly or seasonal removal of pine needles and other flammable organic matter surrounding structures;  trimming, pruning or removal of “ladder fuels”, and trimming of tall grass meadows.

Cleaning of grime, stains and debris from decks, patios, walkways, driveways and patio furniture with high pressure water.

Installation of summer-to-frost blooming annuals, spring bulb planting, fall mums, and holiday themed arrangements in beds and/or containers.

Annual pressure test assessment of the backflow preventer by a Certified Technician. When backflow is present, untreated or contaminated water can be back-siphoned into your clean water. For this reason, testing guarantees the water you use for drinking and showering is safe and sterile.

Soil and habitat friendly solutions that help keep your plants safe from deer and rabbits and help keep you and your family safe from mosquitos. One of our plant health experts can help determine which solution is best for your space and objectives.

Soil tests may vary but typically includes organic matter and nutrient analysis and a full biological count indicating how healthy the soil ecosystem is. This information from these tests can be used to improve soil conditions and health in a targeted manner.

Routine inspections, adjustments and repairs of outdoor low voltage landscape lighting fixtures and systems.