The View

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Autumn containers can provide a stunning display of colors and textures that can transform any outdoor area.

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Devastating wildfires during the fall and early winter months are not uncommon. Be aware and prepare for Fall-Winter fire danger.

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Here are our top picks for fire resistant plants native to Colorado and a great choice for Front Range landscapes.

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Outdoor kitchens offer a blend of convenience, enjoyment, and functionality that make them a fantastic addition to any home.

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Three consecutive years in a row! Thank you Boulder County!

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Don’t be fooled by it’s pretty flowers. Poison hemlock is a noxious and invasive weed that can be deadly to animals and humans and difficult to manage. Here is what you need to know. If you need help, please GET IN TOUCH.

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When it comes to unique landscape projects with challenging site conditions, successful outcomes always begin with a good plan in the hands of the right people!

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Safer, eco-friendly and effective, our organic, pollinator-friendly, organic lawn care solutions have 7 essential components that build soil health, encourage deep root growth, conserve water and help your lawn thrive naturally.

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Professional outdoor lighting can dramatically enhance your outdoor living.

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Let us help you become part of the solution.

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SAVE $$ NOW. SAVE H20 in 2024.

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Two consecutive years in a row! Thank you Boulder County!

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Maintaining your defensible space might just be the difference maker that determines what happens to your home in the event of a wildfire.

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As temperatures rise, you may be tempted to run your sprinkler longer, but resist that temptation!

compost tea
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Compost tea is a liquid organic fertilizer that provides numerous benefits to your soil and plants.

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Weeds play an important role in healing damaged ecosystems, and when removed, another generation, or species will dutifully take their place.

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With a holistic approach to property care that supports the health of plants, soil, and the surrounding ecosystem, our organic approach to plant and lawn care offers enormous benefits for both for your plants and your surrounding environment.

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Healthy soils are essential for maintaining healthy landscapes because they support plant growth, regulate water resources, store carbon, and provide habitat for diverse soil organisms.

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As temperatures begin to drop and autumn arrives in Colorado, there are a variety of tasks homeowner’s need to complete to protect their landscape.

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How One South Boulder Family Transformed an Eroded Hillside Into a Family Friendly Produce Farm

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In the last few years, gardeners and many non-gardeners are shifting to embracing nature more intentionally and carving out spaces to get away from the digital in our lives and being nurtured by nature.

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Now is the time to start winter watering for your plants, trees, and turf. Without supplemental water, root systems may be damaged or die. Keeping the soil moist will prevent roots from drying out.

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Native plants, which are adapted to local soils and climates, are usually the best sources of food and shelter for native pollinators.

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Are you tired of waking up to find your garden nibbled down to stubs by our graceful but voracious deer friends?

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How deer and rabbits damage landscapes and what you can do to protect your investment.

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Trees for Chips and some light hearted fun at the Boulder Chamber’s 2024 Spring Golf Tournament

Irrigation Native Edge Landscaping Boulder Colorado
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SMART Irrigation – the Smart Answer for Colorado’s Unpredictable Weather